Airone Gazebo

GAZEBO AIRONE is solid, stable and easy to assemble. Available in white or transparent, it is particularly useful for small refreshments as a single structure, or in large events as a support structure for kitchens or entrances. Wide range of sizes: 2 × 2/3 × 3/4 × 4/5 × 5/6 × 6/8 × 8. Custom proposals for GAZEBO MAX and GAZEBO AIRONE COLORATO upon request.

Model DimensionsSide heightTip height
Airone 33.00 x 3.00 m (9mq)2.28 m3.43 m
Airone 44.00 m x 4.00 m (16mq)2.28 m3.72 m
Airone 55.00 m x 5.00 m (25mq) 2.28 m4.00 m
Airone 66.00 x 6.00 m (36mq)2.28 m4.10 m